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YourAttaché - Information where you need it
Presentment - Save paper, time and money
Data Integration - Turnkey solutions from mainframe to printed page
Programming - Design, develop and implement custom solutions

At Statement Solutions, we have the services to meet your needs and exceed your expectations.

Statement Solutions cares about your data. We provide services that allow you to collect, manipulate, present, and use your data. We break our services up into 4 different areas.

First, we have a stand alone web and browser based service which stores, updates and displays documents for an organization. It is targeted at groups of users who need to access documents that change often and need to access those documents from any location with internet access and a browser. To learn more click on Your Attaché.

Next we provide data integration services for many clients. These services are focused on collecting raw data, converting it, integrating and then verifying the data. We then manipulate the data so that the result is useful information to our client's end users. Data integration facilitates information transfer for both clients and employees. To learn more click on Data Integration.

Next we have presentment services which focus on delivering formatted data to users, both employees and customers, who want it. We can present any kind of paper form digitally. From account statements to trade confirmations to tax documents to daily transaction reports. We can deliver all of these digitally over the web or via paper mailed to the user. To learn more click on Presentment.

Finally we offer general consulting services on all parts of the document lifecycle management process. Each customer is unique and needs to see and use their information in a variety of different ways. Please contact our Consulting Group for further information.

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